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Ships Passenger Lists

1874 - the Scouts Travel to the United States

S. S. Schiller

In the spring of 1874, the Volga colonists met at Herzog to discuss the possibility of emigration. Five delegates were elected to visit America to look for suitable places for resettlement. A similar meeting was held in Balzer resulting in an additional nine scouts selected. The S. S. Schiller departed Hamburg carrying the five Wiesenseite scouts, Nicholas Schamne of Graf, Peter Leiker of Obermonjou, Peter Stoecklein of Zug, Jacob Ritter of Luzern, and Anton Wasinger from Schönchen. The nine Bergseite scouts, Anton Kaeberlein of Pfeifer, Christoph Meisinger of Messer, Georg Stieben of Dietel, Johannes Krieger and Johann Nolde of Norka, George Kähm and Heinrich Schwabauer of Balzer, and Franz Scheibel and Johann Benzel of Kolb also travelled on this voyage. The Schiller arrived in New York on July 15, 1874. (Journal Volume I, No. 3 Winter,1978)

1876 - S. S. Suevia

Following the first large group of emigrants to leave the Volga area for the United States, 108 families started from Saratov in July 1876. Among these families cames the emigrants from Schönchen. The S. S. Suevia departed the port of Hamburg and arrived in New York on August 3, 1876. A transcription of the families on this voyage can be found in Migration from the Russian Empire, Lists of Passengers Arriving at the Port of New York, Volume 1, January 1875 - September 1882, pp. 70-72 and AHSGR Work Paper #9, pp. 60-62.

1908 - S. S. Victorian

The S. S. Victorian sailed from the port of Liverpool, England, arriving at the port of Halifax, Nova Scotia, Canada, on March 20, 1908.

1908 - S. S. Estonia

The S. S. Estonia sailed from the port of Libau March 9, 1908, arriving at the port of New York, March 26, 1908.

1908 - S. S. Petersburg

The S. S. Petersburg sailed from the port of Libau March 16, 1908, arriving at the port of New York, April 2, 1908.

1908 - S. S. Kherson

The S. S. Kherson sailed from the port of Libau March 30, 1908, arriving at the port of New York, April 16, 1908.

1908 - S. S. Corsican

The S. S. Corsican sailed from the port of Liverpool May 4, 1908, arriving at the port of Quebec, Canada, on May 23, 1908.

1909 - S. S. Merion

The S. S. Merion sailed from the port of Liverpool December 16, 1909, arriving at the port of Philadelphia on December 27, 1909.

1911 - S. S. Zeeland

The S. S. Zeeland sailed from the port of Liverpool April 11, 1911, arriving at the port of Boston on April 20, 1911.

1911 - S. S. Franconia

The S. S. Franconia sailed from the port of Liverpool, England, May 16, 1911, arriving at the port of Boston on May 24, 1911.

1912 - S. S. Rhein

The S. S. Rhein sailed from the port of Bremen, Germany, Nov., 15, 1912, arriving in at the port of Galveston Dec. 8, 1912.

1914 - S. S. Andania

The S. S. Andania sailed from the port of Liverpool, England, March 26, 1914, arriving in at the port of Boston, Massachusetts, April 6, 1914.

Other Passenger List Resources for Germans from Russia

Denise Grau

Revised Wednesday, 25-Jul-2018 21:55:27 CDT